Bamboo Building Material

12 Easy Ways to “Go Green” For Earth Day

April 22, 2014

Every day is a day to “Go Green”

Since 1970, Earth Day has provided environmentalists and average citizens, who want to be more “green”, with a communal day to lower their impact on the environment. And it lets them raise awareness of Earth-friendly practices with friends and family.

At amaZulu, Earth Day is important to us. All of our products are sustainable and easy on the environment. We make them that way because we believe we have a responsibility to preserve the world around us.

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Why it’s on you to do your part

It’s up to builders, designers, architects, and private homeowners to build and enhance their spaces with materials that are not detrimental to the environment. Fortunately, it’s not as hard to “go green” as you might think!

Aside from using resource responsible materials such as bamboo, thatch, and eucalyptus, there are small things you can start doing TODAY to lower your impact on the environment.

How many of the “Sustainable Dozen” will you adopt?

  • Meatless Mondays – Did you know it requires 2,500 gallons of water to produce just one pound of beef? Once a week, commit to eating an Earth-friendly meal. You’ll save a ton of water, not to mention the trees cut down to create the grazing space used by animals raised on rainforest land.

  • Green Commute – Instead of driving your car every day, try biking to work or carpooling with a coworker. You’ll help the environment and save money on gas.

  • Turn Off the TV – Instead of plopping down on the couch to watch TV after dinner, go for a stroll around the block. The fresh air will do you good!

  • Use Less Water – You’ve heard it a million times: leaving the water running while brushing your teeth wastes up to 5 gallons of water per day. Just shut it off while scrubbing! You can also time your showers and skip the bath. You’d be surprised at how much water you use during the day.

  • Go Paperless – Switch all of your bills to online payments. If all households in the US cut out paper bills, we could save 18.5 million trees, 2.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide, and 1.7 billion pounds of waste. Some banks even compensate you for going paperless!

  • Volunteer – Get out there and get your hands dirty! Join a community service group. Volunteer to help clean up a community park. There are plenty of ways to get involved.

  • Plant a Tree – So simple, yet so satisfying and helpful to the environment. You can also start a home garden — think of all the fresh vegetables you’ll save money on that are right outside your door!

  • Recycle Electronics – Make sure to properly dispose of any unused electronic gadgets instead of letting them sit around your house, gathering dust. Also, make sure to unplug before leaving the house!

  • Hang Clothes – Instead of using your dryer, try hanging clothes to dry. You’ll help the environment and save money at the same time.

  • Stay on Tap – Instead of grabbing that plastic water bottle, drink tap water instead. Invest in a reusable water bottle and refill it throughout the day. Nearly 90% of plastic water bottles are not recycled, taking thousands of years to decompose.

  • Turn Off the Thermostat – When you leave your apartment or house every day, turn of your thermostat instead of cooling an empty home!

  • Ditch The Plastic – When grocery shopping, opt for paper bags or even better, bring a reusable bag! Plastic bags are not biodegradable. They often are not disposed of correctly, ending up in our oceans and waterways to kill wildlife.

  • Reduce Single-Use Plastics – Convenience is costing the environment BIG TIME. Almost every product uses plastic. It’s either wrapped, served or stored in single-use plastic.  It’s actually quite easy to reduce or eliminate this environmental hazard.  Here are a few ideas for creating a sustainable environment for generations to come.

It’s Pretty Easy Being Green

By changing parts of your daily routine to incorporate green practices, you can significantly reduce the impact you have on the environment. As you’ve seen, it’s not as difficult as you’d think!

These 12 steps are simple examples of how you can “go green,” but if you want to make an even bigger change, think about replacing some of your environmentally unfriendly materials with sustainable ones.

Bamboo, eucalyptus, and thatch are much less harmful to the environment both in their production and upkeep. They add a warm, rustic feel to any location and help you sleep at night, knowing you’re doing the earth a favor. Give us a call at 877-243-5309 to see if we can help you be a bit more “green!”

Happy Earth Day!

Related content and products:

A Look at the History of Thatched Roofing

Bamboo: The Perfect Building Material for the Green Business

Eucalyptus: A Sustainable, Versatile, and Beautiful Plant

The Sensational and Beautiful Bamboo Homes of Bali

FAQs About Thatched Roofing

Why do amaZulu products benefit the environment?

amaZulu, Inc. has hand-selected manufacturers who produce eco-friendly, high-quality natural architectural materials. Our selection presents a dynamic list of options when considering the environment.

At amaZulu, Inc., we extend our legacy beyond business to the community by partnering with domestic and international organizations that create economic opportunities to reduce poverty. We help improve the lives of the people who grow and produce our products.

Plant image via Dream Research Group.

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