synthetic thatch roofing materials

Top 7 Reasons to Buy Synthetic Thatch Roofing Materials

August 28, 2019

Thatched roofing easily transforms any building into a tropical oasis. It is a time-tested construction material, but when using natural thatch, longevity can be a concern. Instead, consider synthetic thatch roofing materials.  There are plenty of reasons to opt for a top-quality synthetic for your next project. They have an undeniable appeal thanks to their ability to deliver on both an aesthetic and a functional level.

Why Consider Synthetic Thatch Roofing Materials:

1. Authentic Appearance
In the past, faux thatch wasn’t very realistic. While some products that will never be mistaken for the real thing still linger on the market, today’s quality synthetic thatching has an incredibly authentic look. In appearance, it’s virtually indistinguishable from natural thatch. You often have to touch the material to tell the difference.

2. Easy Installation
When you’re installing a layered panel or subroof panel, there are no special skills to install synthetic thatch. Sold in panels or capes, the material is easy to layer, cut and staple onto roofs of all sizes and shapes.

3. Durability
Natural thatch delivers a relaxed, tropical vibe that is hard to beat. However, it doesn’t fare well when exposed to the elements.  Thatching a roof will generally last between two and four years. How does a synthetic thatch roof compare? Premium synthetic thatch roofing materials are often backed by warranties of up to 20 years. These products don’t attract pests the way that wood and other natural materials do. Also, they can withstand wind, rain, humidity, sun and chlorine without flinching or fading. In fact, they meet most building code requirements.

4. Minimal Maintenance
If synthetic thatch panels can last for decades, you’ll want to keep them looking their best. Fortunately, that’s not a problem. Synthetic thatching requires virtually no maintenance. Any dirt or debris that accumulates on the surface normally washes away with the next rainstorm. If you’re in a dry spell, a light pressure washing will do the trick.

5. Improved Fire Safety
Synthetic thatch roofing materials can be treated with an optional nonbrominated and nonhalogenated flame retardant system. This flame retardant treatment will reduce the risk of fire damage. We understand you want to use the most environmentally friendly building materials available. We also know you don’t want to worry about heavy metals in your synthetic thatched roofing.

6. Eco-friendliness
Prioritizing eco-friendliness doesn’t have to mean foregoing synthetics. At amaZulu Inc., our synthetic thatch panels are sustainably produced. They’re also 100% recyclable. Opting for these products is good for the environment and can help your project score LEED points.

7. Stylish Selection
Thatch roofing comes in several varieties, but you won’t have to sacrifice selection to go faux. Synthetic thatch roofing can be found in a wide range of styles, including aloha palm thatch, Rio palm thatch, Mexican thatch and reed thatch. In fact, amaZulu Inc. offers a selection of seven different synthetic thatches. Whether you want the relaxed, naturally shaggy look of palm thatching or the sharper silhouette of layered reed panels, we are certain you will find it in one of our synthetic thatch roofing products.

As a bonus, we’ve created a product video about our synthetic thatch. 


Additional Reading for Synthetic Thatch Roofing Materials

At amaZulu Inc., we take pride in being the supplier for synthetic thatch roofing materials for many theme parks, water parks, zoos and resorts.  Our customers only seek high-quality environmentally friendly building products. Sustainable, reliable and cost-effective, our products deliver amazing results.

Do you need help finding the right synthetic thatched roofing product? We offer both design-assist and estimating services. Are you searching for something special? We delight in devising innovative solutions. Contact us today at 877-243-5309 to learn more about our products and our services.