SeaWorld® – Discovery Cove

SeaWorld® – Discovery Cove in Orlando, Florida, had a desperate need to rethatch their iconic tropical roofs. The original thatch had worn thin and visible patches of decomposition had appeared on the ridges and in the valleys of the roofs. The thatch was also a fire hazard as its fire retardant had leached out.



Sea World wanted us to get rid of the old thatch and remove the wooden lattice beneath. They then wanted us to apply a new waterproofing membrane, and then re-thatch on top of a fresh lattice structure and attach it to the roof. The project was time sensitive, night shift only. Equipment staging needed to be assembled and cleared each day. And the lush landscaping around the buildings could not be touched or damaged.


We used plastic sheets as removal shoots from the roof to dumpsters to protect the landscaping. Fresh, natural leaves were brought in daily, and the team thatched under floodlights each night. The wooden latticework presented surprises, but nothing amaZulu could not overcome.


The natural Palm Thatch looks thick, lush and inviting. The ridge, dormers, and valleys were padded with extra leaves as this is the first place that will wear. All dormers on the roof also received a new sheet of cabana mat that was sealed and secured with eucalyptus poles. Lastly, once the leaves had dried, about 4-5 weeks after installation, our team went back to the project site. We sprayed a fire retardant on the roofs to meet safety codes.

“amazulu Inc. has been a great discovery for us here at SeaWorld Orlando. Though they are a new vendor to us they understand our “theme park” urgencies. They have come through with flying colors on all the tasks we have needed their expertise with. Their attention to detail and prompt action to our needs is truly second to none.”

Carol McDaniel